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Community Survey

The 2024 Listening campaign consisted of Kitchen Table conversations (KTCs) and a Community Survey. Twenty-two KTCs with 122 participants from across Cowper were held.  The Community Survey heard from an additional 671 people.

Thank you to everyone who participated.

We have now finalised our Listening report, which can be found here.

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Who responded to the Community Survey?

Voices4Cowper put significant effort into getting a broad range of community members to complete the survey; however, the demographics of the respondents are not the same as those of the broader community. Of particular concern is the lower portion of participants under 35. Targeted social media advertisements were used to increase participation from this section of the community. Engaging with this portion of the community is an ongoing focus for V4C. 

Survey Demographics


What were the Community Survey questions?

The questions used in the 2024 Listening Campaign Community Survey were developed from themes raised in the Kitchen Table Conversations. The survey was available online and on paper for the market stalls, street walks and other community events. The question options were randomised in the online surveys.

The full survey can be found here. The key questions were:

1. What do you like (or love) most about living in this region? Choose up to 4 of the following: 

  • The natural environment (beaches, rivers, mountains, parks, etc.)
  • Low traffic and ease of parking
  • Access to quality hospitals
  • The sense of community
  • Growing recognition of First Peoples
  • Sports facilities and groups
  • Markets, festivals and vibrant arts scene
  • Other (please describe)

2. What are the most important issues that you want the government to address? Choose up to 4 of the following

  • Cost of living
  • Housing and rental affordability
  • Climate change and the environment
  • Integrity in politics
  • Health and aged care
  • Recognition and outcomes of First Peoples
  • School and university funding
  • Support for local business
  • Appropriate development
  • Other (please describe)

3. For your most important issue, what changes would you like to see?

4. Are there any other issues of concern, specific to our region?

5. Do you feel you are currently well represented in Federal parliament? Why/why not?

6. To what extent do you agree with the following:

  • I agree with most of what my federal representative says - 5 point scale Agree to Disagree
  • I agree with how my federal representative votes in parliament - 5 point scale Agree to Disagree
  • My federal representative is out talking to people in the community - 5 point scale Agree to Disagree